Tuesday, May 5, 2009

T2W3 My First Baptism!

Hi Family,

How is everyone? I hope all is going well. Mom and Miriam's birthdays are coming up. Yayyy! This week has been great.

We had 12 new investigators that pretty much all seem promising. I think my favorite part of the mission so far has been teaching a first lesson and just seeing the eyes of the investigator light up as they feel the power of the story of the first vision. One of these lessons this week was a member referral from Hermana Medina. We had dinner with her and her husband last week and shared member missionary plan outlined by Elder Bednar to ask with faith specifically for missionary opportunities. Two days later we called to ask her to accompany us to an appointment and she said she had a referral for us. She was able to start a religious discussion that day with the stylist when she was getting her hair done and found someone who was being prepared by the Lord to hear our message. We called her up immediately and set an appointment. In spite of her hesitancy whether her husband would be supportive of her learning or not, he was the one that was asking if it was alright with her if they had us return to teach more! We found several other similar situations this week and I just love how powerful the Spirit is in testifying of the what we teach!

Saturday the English stake in which we live hosted a 5k Family Fun Day for the community. All of us missionaries in the Katy Zone were invited to come help as well as work the booth "1 Min or Less: Ask a Mormon!" We had to be there at 6:30am so we woke up at 5am. Some other elders that live quite a bit further than us had to wake up even earlier. It was a fun day. I loved seeing all the adults show up in their running garb. I thought about Rae when I saw all of these people sporting their marathon paraphernalia. After the race there were several booths setup in the cultural hall- like free 5 min massage, blood testing, finger printing, emergency preparedness, fitness advice hosted by LA Fitness, and more. Outside they had healthy snacks and games, fire trucks and a moon bounce. It was a great activity.

Yesterday was the highlight of the week. I had my first baptism! We baptized a man named Dolores that Hermana Hollenbaugh and Hermana McMurtrey (her previous companion/trainer who just went home) had found when tracting in a trailer park. He says that while he usually just spends time inside he was constrained to get some fresh air when the answer to his prayers came. He is a great example to me. The baptism started almost an hour late because the Hermano that was going to baptize him needed to get his clothes. However, Dolores was very patient and loved the hymns we sang to pass the time. There was a good turn out from the ward. Just in the past couple of lessons, we found a bit of interest in his brother and have taught him a couple times. He was able to be at the baptism to support him. He was so happy afterwards. We had refreshments and mingled and it was an amazing feeling for me to see someone so clean and ready to continue on with a life of learning in the church, now with the necessary ordinance of baptism.

I am enjoying my time in Texas even though it was pretty rainy this week. All of the Hispanics ask me where I am from as if I am one and I have to explain that I'm not. Most don't believe me but that's good- it means my Spanish is getting good enough to fool some into thinking I'm native. Haha. Oh, and Hermana Dewey has family that has lived on Udall Street in Mesa for many many years. I had to laugh.

I love this work and this gospel. Everyday counts, especially when we're on the Lords time- but I've noticed with our investigators the principle that President Monson taught last conference something about 'too many tomorrows makes a lot of empty yesterdays.' If you have things to get done. Do it now. I love you guys.

!Que les vaya bien!

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