Tuesday, May 5, 2009

T2W4 Temple and General Conference

Dear Family,

I receive this email today from Mom about a rental car and had to go search through the Dukelow newsletter to read about the Hawaii trip. I feel so out of the loop! Don't forget about me!!! I hope you guys enjoy it. Happy Belated Birthday to Mom (did you like the card I sent?) and Happy Birthday to Miriam!!! I read the story about the nail artwork in the newsletter too. That was pretty funny.

This week has been full! We taught a lot like usual and had some really great lessons where the spirit was really there. My favorite family that we are teaching is the Juarez family (if we can have favorites). The last Saturday before this transfer, Hna. Hollenbaugh and her companion stopped by to invite Hna. Juarez and their oldest son Julio to church because they saw their names on the ward list but had never seen them at church. He is 15 years old and does karate and plays trombone. Hermana Juarez and Julio were baptized five years ago in another ward but have not been active since they were baptized. The father was supposed to get baptized with them but could not go through with it when the date came. The whole family, Hno. and Hna., Julio, and the two little kids Diana (age 9) and Gustavo (age 8) came to church that Sunday after Hna. Hollenbaugh and McMurtrey passed by and invited them. Since then, they have gone to everything! All the activities, church, conference, the baptisms! After working with them for the whole month, yesterday we were able to set a baptism date with Hermano Juarez to be baptized with the two kids!! They feed us a lot and Hermana has a purse fettish that I can relate to. Yesterday they made my favorite tacos with barbacoa meat. Monday we had delicious tortas with the Bishops family! I am glad we get fed authentic food because I just found out Sister Hansen (President's wife) doesn't want us eating at the taco trucks for safety reasons.- probably one of the hardest rules of the mission!

Friday this week we went to the temple with out zone. I love the temple. It was such a great experience. I went in having prayed for more understanding. I didn't know exactly what I was looking for but my experience there was amazing and I feeling like I have such a greater appreciation for Christ as my Mediator with the Father. Last transfer the temple was across the street from my area's border and now we have to drive quite a bit to get there. We had a testimony meeting right before the session and I bore my testimony of the joy I receive from this work. I received a letter from Ashley Cooper saying she was putting her papers in and asking me for advice. It made me think of just six months ago when I had the same questions. It is indescribable though the joy I've had for example when Dolores came up out of the water, when I are teaching the Juarez family and Hermano Juarez agreed to be baptized or even yesterday when we went to go teach a young girl and the whole household of 10 people sat in and listened. We asked each one of them how they felt and they said they felt so good about the first vision being true!

To finish the week I just loved general conference. I had to watch a couple of the sessions in Spanish because we had investigators there. That was fine. I think all of the talks really speak to how the heavens are still open and how much we still need revelation to guide us in all of these difficulties of the economy and temptations that keep us from being firm in the faith. I especially like the Provident living talk and Holland's talk about our Savior Jesus Christ.

The elders in our ward have a bread machine so they are always making us food and we tried to return their container with some chocolate no-bakes but totally ruined them TWICE! If you have any other easy ideas let me know. Last transfer Hna. Draney and I bought some $1 silly string at Walmart so that plus post-it notes on the cars made for a fun April Fools. It's probably my fav holiday ever. I hope everyone is doing well. I love you guys and will get some pictures printed and in the mail today!


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