Saturday, September 26, 2009

T3W3 Zone Conference & Mother's Day

Dear Family,

It was so great to hear everyone's voice yesterday. It seems like a dream. Next phone call... Christmas! I think the highlight of the phone call was finding out JC already has grandchildren!!! (Editor's note: JC does not have grandchildren, he has a child.) I wonder if that is the case with all my other ex-boyfriends. While it was good to talk, I soon realized why communication is limited. It is really important to maintain a strict focus on the work. Losing that spirit by distracted attention to things of the world is what Satan wants on the mission.

We had a really good zone conference this past week. President Hansen focused his remarks on the conference talk by Kevin W. Pearson on the 6 Destructive Ds. These consequentially effect our eye of faith and lead to the 6th D of "disbelief." If I were to think of a 7th destructive D it would be Dad. Ha ha. The conference helped us with our Spiritual Renewal. I encourage everyone to review that talk and think about how much more frequently can you use spiritual renewal in your life. By avoiding these destructive factors and allowing for daily spiritual renewal we increase our faith. I have seen my faith grow exponentially and I truly believe it is because of the 3 hours of study we do each day. Some of the elders know really deep doctrinal stuff- about the last days Gog and Magog, Kokaubeam, etc. Some day maybe I will have all that knowledge too. I know the simple stuff though and that is a good start.

After zone conference we have a lunch usually and they give out birthday presents and a couple awards. We have a car inspection and Hermana Dewey and I won cleanest car!!! We got to sign the golden hubcap and received a $20 gift card to Subway. Woo hoo! Of course we will use it to treat our district to lunch after district meeting this week. With $5 foot-longs $20 goes a long way!

We had 7 new investigators this week. Half of them we found while tracting. They let us in and we were able to teach a lesson. We are very hopeful for these children of Heavenly Father that were put in our path. The Spirit is so strong during the first lesson. I love it.

Last week we were invited to tag along with the elders to dinner at a member's home. They have the rich side of the ward. The Montano family's home was huge. They fed us really fancy food and sent us on our way with praline treats. Ironically, they have lived many years in Silver Spring! That is where they joined the church. They love me because I am a Marylander too. They are from Nicaragua. He told us this story of his boss in Maryland being LDS in his first job there in MD. Several years later he (Hermano Montano) had joined the church. He had come straight from the temple and was wearing his suit when he ran into this boss who had become inactive. The boss was surprised when he asked what it was that changed his life around.

Anyways, Hermano Montano and his wife gave us a ton of delicious food (tostadas y frijoles molidos) yesterday after church and he accompanied us to our appointment with a man named Antonio last night. Me and him are pretty much best friends forever. (Editor's note: I would change this, but it's so Camille I had to leave it.) My companions have noticed I get along really well with hispanos but especially the rich ones. Antonio is really close to getting baptized. It was a really good lesson. We found him after receiving a bad referral and deciding to knock the houses around it. He answered the door with his shirt off and wearing a lot of jewelry. He reminded me of a Mexican version of Joe Junior from While You Were Sleeping. Hermana Hollenbaugh wanted to give him to the elders immediately but I partly joking said I saw him to be our next baptism. We found he was a very respectful man that works gold soldering. He showed us his shop and everything after Hermana Hollenbaugh left. He has such a testimony of the Book of Mormon and is well on his way to baptism.

Mother's Day was good. The elder's quorum took over the Primary and YW so all the women were in Relief Society for a special program from the bishopric. Then to finish the primary came in and sang with gifts for their mothers. Sacrament was devoted to mothers as well. I am thankful for my mother, her example and testimony. Thank you for everything.

I hope all is well. I continue to pray for each one of you family members. Make good choices.



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