Saturday, September 26, 2009

T3W6 Victor's Baptism

Dear Family,

So much has happened this week. It flew by--just like this transfer. I can't believe how fast time goes. The biggest news is that we got transfer calls Saturday night. The anticipation was, for some reason, a lot more than usual. I'm getting TRANSFERRED! I'm leaving Hermana Dewey and going to be companions with Hermana Marsh in the area called "The Woodlands/Hardy 3." The area is the richest in the whole mission. It is all very well off people, but Hermana Dewey says I do well with those people. I probably won't be having baptisms every other week like here in Bear Creek but I am excited for the challenge. Elder Lowry, who I served with in Bear Creek last transfer, is also being transferred to the same ward. We are both excited to work together again and have good goals for the work there. It is his last transfer before he goes home so he is very experienced and not trunky.

Wednesday we taught Miriam, who is trying to get a divorce from her emotionally abusive husband. She speaks Portuguese, so I always love teaching her. We have taught her for almost 2 transfers now and her situation with her husband has kept her from progressing. I remember when I told her my sister's name is Miriam. She replied "I just LOVE my name!" We taught her the last of the lessons she needs before baptism and she practically begged us to be baptized. We told her we would discuss the situation with President Hansen. Thursday we had interviews with him and he gave us the go ahead to baptize her without her husband's permission. Usually we don't want to break up families but she is already getting divorce. She needs to come to church a couple more times before we start planning the baptism though. When we told her on Friday what President had said she jumped out of her seat and gave us both hugs and kisses because she was so happy she will be able to be baptized. She saw on TV a documentary about Mormon Pioneers or something and has this dream of living in "Zion" or in a community of all Mormons. We told her there is a very big population in Utah. She wants to move there someday.

Interviews were good. I love that president prayed for me as a wife and mother. Being Hermana Dewey's trainer, she picked up my bad habit of constantly thinking about marriage. We try and perfect ourselves though so we can marry General Authorities. Ha ha. So it's a good thing right?

Anyways, during interviews, after discussing the work in Bear Creek a little and my investigators and how I was doing great, President Hansen thanked me for my work and the success I have helped bring about. He was about to pray to close the interview when he was impressed to discuss a specific subject with me. He said it hadn't been decided yet, but he had been thinking of assigning me a companion that would be a great challenge and responsibility. He explained she is a seasoned missionary, much older than I am but still struggles greatly with the language and has had serious problems with her last several companions. He talked about my nature of hard work and said he feels the Lord has this great responsibility for me ahead.

The Spirit was very strong in that moment. As he said that, I remembered the whisperings of the Spirit as I was receiving training to train Hermana Dewey. President had said to us trainers that your influence on your companion is very important and it is possible that "you will be known as a Savior to them." Those exact words are found in a blessing, in the one line about my mission. "If it be the desire of your heart, the Lord will call you to a Special mission, and you will be known as a Savior to them." More than just bringing investigators to the waters of baptism I could have a lasting impact on my companion. I shared that experience and spiritual impression with President and he explained, "I think the Spirit has just confirmed to me what I should do."

I left the interview with nothing but positive feelings of love for this next companion that I will have. When I received the transfer call, in fact I had received the assignment to be companions with this Sister. I still to this day have no worries about the next transfer. It may be difficult, but I feel the Lord's hand in this work and trust that He will help me.

Last night Victor P. was baptized. He is the brother of Dolores, who we baptized last transfer. It was a double baptism with a man the elders had taught. Dolores baptized Victor and it was a very tender moment. They don't speak much but I could feel the brotherly love as Dolores was able to help his brother experience the joy that he had found. We invited Dolores to share his testimony as part of the program before we sang the closing hymn. He bore his testimony of the happiness he has found as he has been able to share his knowledge of the restored gospel with his brother. As he spoke he struggled to hold back the tears. The presence of the Spirit was so strong.

I am excited for the coming transfer but a bit sad to leave all of the people in Bear Creek I have come to know and love. It is a great ward and I know they will continue to see a lot of success in the growth of the ward.

I hope all is well back home. I pray for everyone constantly. I know the Lord is watching over you.


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