Saturday, September 26, 2009

T5W2 Zone Leader Council

Dear Family,

How is everyone? I hope things are going well. Don't forget to write!

We were invited to attend Zone Leader Council this week. Two sets of sisters were present. This Spirit was so strong as we learned about the importance of teaching the first principle of the first lesson- God is our Loving Heavenly Father. Many times this principle is breezed over but President emphasis the vitality of establishing the understanding with the investigator that they are a child of a loving Heavenly Father that wants the best for them and will listen and respond to sincere petitions made through heart-felt prayer. I know this is true. The power of this doctrine is forgotten. After the meeting I realized through subsequent appointments that people really do not grasp the concept. People are so confused and do not understand the personal relationship we can have with God. I loved this message. This Spirit was strong. We all left very spiritually edified and with commitments to teach this principle more fully.

We had Zone Meeting on Friday where the Zone Leaders addressed this principle. They also talked about casualness with obedience. Elder Olive (from Kahuku, HI- going home this transfer- Clarissa!) used excerpts from a good talk by Elder Holland (Teach the Atonement) to emphasize that obedience is the first law of everything. If we choose to disobey we neglect the opportunity to call down divine blessing prepared for us in heaven. We ate at this pizza buffet afterward- Double Daves.

We had some good lessons this week. Unfortunately we had to drop Guillermo--our skateboarder investigator from Guatemala. He loves the Book of Mormon and know the church is true but works at Cheesecake Factory every Sunday and has not come to church. He said it is possible to request off but he needs the money as he only works the weekends. We had to leave him with the determination to come to church. Sometimes people lack the faith to make dramatic changes to be able to be obedient.

We went to a baptism last night in Gulf Bank--Hermana Thomas' last area. A family of 8 got baptized. It was the longest baptism I've ever gone to but her love for that family was so strong and their love for her. The mother caught her on our way out and thanked her for pretty much saving her life by bringing the gospel into it. Those are the moments that make a mission the best two years.

Ramon was confirmed yesterday in Sacrament and as he sat on the stand, I saw the joy in his countenance. It made me smile so big.

I love this work. Although we have some very hard and long days, I know that nothing will stop this work from going for and that just as Nephi in the book of Helaman, I will be rewarded for preaching with unwearyingness.

I love you all,


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