Tuesday, February 24, 2009

MTC Week 8

Dear Family... and Friends,

I hope everyone is doing well. A lot happened this week. Last Tuesday night we heard from Spencer J. Condie of the Seventy. What I liked about his talk was that he said the gospel was for everyone- Republican and Democrat alike! That made me laugh as I thought about our Derwood Ward.

That night the whole building of 200 sisters had to evacuate because of the fire alarm. It turns out someone had just burnt their popcorn in the microwave. It was a funny site seeing 200 sisters in the gymnasium with rain boots, coats, pajamas, robes, towels in hair, cream on the face- everything. My friend, Sister Morrill, was in the shower and her comp had to bring her her some random shoes and clothes and throw them over the curtain for her.

Wednesday we got three new roommates. Hna. Hollenbaugh and I had been alone in a room for 6 for the past 7 weeks. It has definitely been an adjustment but we love it. The three sisters are in the new advanced district in my zone so they all speak fluently. It helps us out a lot. Two are going to Guatemala and one is going to Richmond, VA. They leave the same week as us. We are flying out to Houston on January 29th and this week is Flight Plan Friday. Yay!! Half of our district got their flight plans last Friday and are leaving this coming Monday and Wednesday. We are split between the two weeks because we came in a week early due to Thanksgiving.

We taught a man named Jim in TRC on Saturday. His "ex-wife" who was with him who wasn't supposed to be present had some tough questions for us about the Plan of Salvation. We answered them well and were commended by our teachers though. The Spanish was very smooth and we were able to find the words we needed. The other companionships in the district struggled but we are all supporting each other in this, "our last week," to do a complete English fast.

Elder Rios-Lazo is an elder that was supposed to go with the last group going to our mission in Houston but two nights before had a seizure. The doctor allowed him to join another district and finally received a second chance to go last tuesday. At 3am his comp woke him up in the middle of another seizure. The doctor issued a recommendation for him to be sent home. He had written a letter to our mission President, President Hansen, expressing his strong desire to serve. President Hansen, after the second incident, counseled with "THE BRETHREN" aka Apostles and decided that they would give Elder Rios-Lazo another chance. He was on a flight two days later to Houston. I was so impressed by his gratitude to President Hansen for not denying his opportunity to serve the Lord.

Thursday was probably the biggest event. An elder from our district, Elder Park from Sandy going to Tampa, FL went home. It was very devastating to see this happen. The previous week he didn't eat any food for 4 days straight. He claimed he just had a stomach virus and we thought nothing of it when he started to eat again. Thursday we all became suspicious as he was interviewed all day long. We love Elder Park. He had such a love for everyone in the district, our teachers especially. When he bore his testimony it was very powerful. My companionship and his companionship always practiced teaching together and we read the Libro de Mormon out loud every single day. Apparently since two weeks after he received his call, he had begun having symptoms of anxiety. It all culminated the past couple weeks as his fears of the work, the language, and insufficiency piled on. Him and Elder Johnson are the first ones to leave- this Monday. Our whole district had tears in our eyes as we said not good bye- but hasta luego/nos vemos- or en ingles- until later/we'll see you. His mother, brother and sister came to pick him up. He will have to have counseling for 6 months before returning but Elder Bost gave him a blessing before he left. Elder Bost said that he received a very clear witness as he pronounced the blessing upon Elder Park, that Elder Park would be able to return and complete his mission.

Finally, Hna. Hollenbaugh and I received a letter from Hna. Willis who is now down in Houston. We met her in the MTC a couple weeks after we got here. She says the work is amazing down there. She has already had 1 baptism and has 20 progressing investigators. She says the mission president is very nice and friendly. It made us very excited. She also said the weather fluxuates between hot and cold so we may need both types of clothing for at least a little while. We had a meeting last night about health and safety and with all of the food, medical, exercise, and safety precautions you can tell how much the missionaries are protected.

I love this work. I am getting so excited as our time at the MTC draws closer to an end. I cannot wait to feel the love for the investigators that I will teach that my teachers talk about. The more I study the scriptures, the more I know that this is the gospel of Jesus Christ restored to us in the latter-days. Those of you that can attend the temple, there is no greater place to feel the peace of our Heavenly Father's presence. I love it. I love you all very much.

Con amor,

Hermana Camille Blanco

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